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*Disclaimer: The estimated Property Tax Levy is calculated using the stated price and estimates of the applicable tax rates. The County Assessor is required by law to value the property at its “current and correct” value, which may differ from the listed price. Further, the estimated tax rate may be higher or lower than those that will actually be imposed. Accordingly, the actual tax levy may be higher or lower than the estimated amount. New Mexico law requires your real estate Broker or agent to provide you an Estimated Property Tax Levy on the Property you have submitted or intended to submit an offer to Purchase. All real estate Brokers and agents who have complied with these disclosure requirements shall be immune from suit and liability from suit relating to the Estimated Property Tax Levy.


Understanding taxes ...



  • Use the sale price of the home as the estimated value

  • CO Santa Fe School District - Outside Santa Fe city limits - Residential

  • *Important* -- This is an estimated property tax calculation provided by the Assessors Office, based on the latest mill rate set by State and Local governments. The estimated tax calculation does not take into consideration any exemptions, ie; head of household, veterans, etc ...

Available by Appointment Only

Assessor’s Office at 986-6308

Clerk’s Office at 986-6289

Growth Management at 986-6225

Treasurer’s Office at 986-6245



ALDEA Homeowners paid $448 per quarter in HOA fees in 2020.

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